Thursday, April 7, 2016

Taking Stock This Month

I skipped last month’s taking stock post because I sat down at my computer and all of a sudden it was the middle of March. With the bathroom renovation, hosting Easter at our house and then all the usual life things, our regular routine has been a bit off this last month. I’m ready for things to go back to normal, for sure, though even with all that, March felt good: the already-mentioned  (successful!) Easter dinner and bathroom renovation, meeting some fellow local bloggers, warmer weather (that has since turned, though) and all the rest.

And now, April:

Cooking: cauliflower rice, from Trader Joe’s. On Tuesday nights, John has class so Luca and I eat something quick. This cauliflower rice has been everything, but this week? Luca picked all the avocado out of the rice bowl I made, and then proceeded to throw the rest around the room. Sigh.

Drinking: Tea. Always.

Reading: I finished up The Storied Life of AJ Fikry and am about halfway through All Joy and No Fun—it’s such an interesting take on parenthood and I was nodding through the whole babyhood section. It’s funny, I’m not done yet so maybe there’s a mention later on, but already I think social media (Instagram in particular) has a larger impact on parenting and how we compare ourselves to other parents/others parenting experience then it did even just two years ago when the book was written.

Making: Plans for summer vacation

Wanting: To finalize those plans

Looking: For a spring jacket. I have this one, but I need something a little dressier.

Deciding: Can I mention the vacation thing again? We have so many ideas for what to do, but just need to get it together and figure it out.

Wondering: When I can fit in another hot yoga class. There was 7-day, $30 unlimited intro offer at this local studio, so I decided to try it.

Questioning: Why we put effort into some things and not others. Or, why I have a tendency to put off the things I really want to do.

Wishing: We hadn’t taken forever to decide on the vanity/lights etc. for the bathroom because they’re all arriving at different times. Rookie mistake, for sure.  

Enjoying: A slower week.

Watching: The last season of Mad Men. I have one more episode left.

Hoping: It warms up!

Wearing: These pants from J. Crew to work every day. I hate traditional “dress” pants and these are nothing like that. I might have grab those green ones while they’re on sale.

Knowing: That writing things down, which I’ve been doing the old-fashioned way the last week, has definitely been good for everything.

Thinking: About what kinds of things to do with Luca in the next few months. We took him to the children’s museum this past weekend and he loved it. There are so many things that he’s ready for now.

Following: The election, to some extent. Some days I want to read all the things. Other days I want to never, ever read anything election-related again.

Needing: To get my act together (I think I always say something of this variation.)

Wasting: Time

Marveling: At how much fun Luca is. He laughs so easily and is so much opinionated these days.

Loving: The repeating that Luca’s doing. I actually started acting like a Real Mom and writing down the words he’s saying in hopes that I’ll actually remember.

Sorting: Through the mess in the living room. This could maybe be changed to “Cleaning 50 times a day”

Snacking: on pecans (so random, I know), chocolate chips and raisins. My lame snack mix that I’ve been brining to work the last couple days.

Bookmarking: This article, on the paid family leave policy that just passed in New York. I can’t tell you how genuinely happy I felt when I read this. I basically wrote this on Facebook, but I’m so happy that women and men who don’t work for huge companies, or get pregnant at a less-than-perfect time or don’t want to stress the entire time they should be spending with their newborns, can get to do that.

Feeling: Hopeful